Welcome to the web Page of The Fine Line Press and Image Workshop
Westhaver's work, evocative of surrealism and fantasy, is almost devoid of the expected stylizations. "Essentially what I paint is the fusion of many images, emotions and thoughts rather than singular situations, persons, or events". "Fugitive in a Supermarket Basket" ( an oil on panel done in 1985) was begun after he saw a woman shopping, pushing her child in a metal cart. He said, "the woman and child seemed so as one so I fused them together in a direct surrealist image with the two faces buried in a cart of groceries." Most of Westhaver's paintings follow in that vein, as intergrated composit images, and many have some relief sculpting of the surfaces. They are predominantly figurative and the paint is employed as what he calls, "an extension of the drawing language, of my protracted love affair with drawing." |
Ken Westhaver Art Gallery 684 West Fryeburg rd, Fryeburg Maine, 04037
email Ken - Westhaver@pivot.net |
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All images,logos and titles, are governed by strict copyright,internet, patent and trademark laws.Any attempt to duplicate, asimilate, or use any part of the above mentioned, without the written consent from the respective artists, and/or gallery, is strictly prohibited !. |
My sons Webpage at westhaverwoodworking.4t.com
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