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About the Artist: Ken Westhaver
Ken Westhaver finished his B.F.A. in illustration and graphic arts at Pratt Institute in 1960, and did advertising, book and magazine illustrations. He continued to pursue his paintings and printmaking, as well as a number of mural commissions. Later he taught high school and college art courses including some fourteen years in the Visual Arts and Integrated Studies programs at Franconia College, and he did consultant work at various Art Schools in this country and in Canada. Westhaver contends that, "many aspects of teaching entails perspectives from both educational and counseling psychology so it was not quite as radical a departure for me to do the M.Ed and M.A. programs in counseling psychology and group and individual psychotherapies at Antioch New England Graduate School. "However, he did not return to college teaching when he completed his graduate work in 1980. Westhaver chose to apply his clinical training to the fields of human services and mental health, working as a psychotherapist and counselor in New Hampshire and in Massachusetts. Subsequently, he came to work as a Behavior Specialist and Team Leader for the Center of Hope, Rehabilitation Inc. in Center Ossipee, New Hampshire in 1984. He acknowledges, "It was then that my artwork came to serve more as a sort of personal therapy, a vehicle to process external material but perhaps as much a response to internal necessities." In 1987, he moved to Chocorua to do residential programs there for the same company and shortly thereafter began work on a 'summer studio' with friends in West Fryeburg, Maine. The purchase of an etching press gave rise to Fine Line Press and Image Workshop there where he has pursued the development of a very accessible original prints as well as his more fanciful and esoteric artwork. He continues to pursue his printmaking as well as painting and related design work there.